About Me

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boo-! and Le Gasp-!

Today at the health convention in the cafeteria,
I was answering questions on a worksheet when my science teacher came up behind me and said,"Boo-!"
I didn't turn around.
He said,"Boo-!"again.
I turned around and said,"Le Gasp-!" XD
He replies,"Gasp!"

Wobbuffet! :D

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween :D

This drawing was rushed D:
[People from left to right.]
Under the Table : My sister munching on chips and Nicolas Cage 
Me as a fox-girl.
Frankie as a chibi on my shoulder.
A penguin and Kathy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Day [Nice mile time?]

It sure has been a while since I've last typed up a blog o-o

1rst period :
In PE,my class ran the mile.
My mile time was 10:10 XD
This is probably the best mile time I've ever done o-o
Last year,I got 10:45 >__<
The lowest mile time for the girls is 12min.
For the boys its 10-11 minutes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Day [I will not type it up!]

Pd 1 :
The bitchy girls from yesterday weren't playing with us today so it was pretty fun playing flag football :D

Pd 2 :
SSR (Silent Sustained Reading),and read a little bit of roman story.

Pd 3 :
Student : Can I go to the bathroom?
Teacher : Can I go to the bathroom(?)
Boy,where are your manners?And where is a bathroom?
Student : Can I go to the restroom?
Teacher : -shakes her head-
Student : May I go to the restroom?
Teacher : *sigh* yes,you may.

I finished writing my essay yesterday,on a blank sheet of printing paper.
Today,I showed it to my teacher.
My teacher said that I'm required to type it up.
So,I stood up to her,looked her in the eyes and said,
"Seriously-?Is it required just to type something up?"
She nodded,"Yes,and I hate it too.Its time consuming."
I continued looking into her eyes,"Well,since I've already written it..can I at least turn it in?"
She replied,"Yes,sure."
[If I stopped making eye contact,I would've ended up having to type it up o_o]

Later,there was an rally/assembly.
It was loud,crowded,and lousy.
I didn't like it.

Pd 4 :
Took a test,did a worksheet and finished my hw in time :D

Pd 5 :
Watched a movie and took notes.

Pd 6 :
Drew a tree.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Day [PE - Bleachers..YEAH!]

Today in PE it was girls vs girls,boys vs boys in flag football.
On one side I was there,on the other side I wasn't there because there were a bunch of bitchy girls.
They were showing off and what-not.
Thinking they're all-that and blabbering that Asian girls suck at sports (UGH.It doesn't matter what race, stupid. =__=)
So,the girls on the team I was on pulled back,turned away and went off to run bleachers.
I ran the bleachers too,there's no use in playing against ignorant women o3o

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Day [yay,I made a blogger acc :D]

I made my blogger acc  (I've been wanting to make an account on here for quite a while now since its better than blogging on myspace)

Period 1 : 
Did height and weight,I'm 4'10"
and I weigh about 100lb (which is average)

Period 2 : 
Worked on greek mythology 

Period 3 :
My teacher was trying to get everyone to know each others names,since saying-
"Hey-!You!",is kinda rude and she was trying to train our memories.

Period 4 : 
Worked on classwork and homework.
When my teacher said,"If you have your textbooks,you can work on your homework in class,if not--"
and as he was saying this,he was intensely tapping on my textbook o__o;

Period 5 :
Took notes on the several tools used to measure in science (such as flask,graduated cylinder,ect.)
Period 6 :
Drew stuff in class P: