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Friday, April 20, 2012

4/20/2011 - Pieces of my Day

  Today was the the last day of Star Testing. Before getting into the test, the vice principle gave an announcement on the loudspeaker, "Good luck and may the odds be in your favor."
The Hunger Games much? Kinda scary, as though we're to compete through the survival of the fittest and survive the test (haha).

In 2nd period, we watched the film,  BBC's "Life" (disc 1).
It was AMAZING. 
Here's a clip of the Sarcastic Fringehead Fish :

  In 4th period, we started watching the film, "Schindler's List", which had something to do with Nazis stripping away the Jew's right's (aka Nuremberg Laws) and Schindler doing scandalous things to the Jewish people.

  After a visit to Mister Seeberger, I headed home to deal with some business. 
I straight up broke up with Danial. The relationship lasted for almost a month, it was nicely slow paced, but I had no fancy feelings for him. He practically was infatuated with me, but I didn't feel the same way. Overall, the relationship was going nowhere, so I decided to end it. I had a choice, it was now or never and the sooner the better.

  Julie and I worked on math-stuff. Julie studied algebra and I did my geometry homework on finding the area of a n-gon.

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