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Sunday, March 18, 2012

3/18/2012 - Dream Fragments

1.) Comic book panels that were seemingly double-faced, some had a golden-yellow tone with black shading, others had a sky-blue chrome with black shading. Both types of panels had something to do about a rumble.
2.) Comic book convention that is coming to a close. At one particular table, they were selling a book on the Sandman .
3.)I saw some kind of penguin-toy, wadding on its orange feet.
4.)A snowy area.
5.) I was at an apartment, it had a brown interior. I had the form of a little girl, probably the age of six. Walking into what seemed to be my home, the neighbor greeted and gestured me to take a seat as she prepared some food. The neighbor's home was connected to mine. A dog greeted me as well, he must be my pet or something.
Judging by the scenario, it occurs to me that I was an orphan, being taken care of by my neighbor. She seemed exasperated.

[ Dream interpretations ]
  Skipping #1 and #2, because they don't really mean anything.
3.) Penguin - signifies that my problems are not as bad as I think they are. Serves as a reminder that I need to keep my cool.
4.)Snow - signifies personal inhibitions, unexpressed emotions.
5.)Dog - symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity.  

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