About Me

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Buffet-Bet

My ex and I made a bet whether he'd be chubby after the buffet.I had him take a full-body picture of himself today,and..I lost and I owe him a non-chubby drawing of him,so here it is : 

And here's his reaction :

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4:51AM - Earthquake?

  I awoke at 4:45am and just laid there.
Then at 4:51am--(the earthquake occurred) I felt the room shift about three times.I was still pretty tired,so I couldn't depict reality from a dream.I got up,went on USGS,and the earthquake really did occur.It had a magnitude of 3.1 .

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My day at Santa Cruz Beach.

  In the beginning with Han,it was BORING AS FUCK (no offense Han).I later managed to meet up with Kim and Jenny.
  We then went on some epic log-water-slide-ride.Jenny was in the front,I in the middle,and Kim in the back.When going down the water-slide-- Jenny leaned back against me,accidentally hitting my head with the back of her head > o <
Jenny was mostly soaked with water;I was merely splattered on the sides;Kim was barely in contact with the water.
  Afterwords,we went to the beach.
I collected a few shells and a sand dollar.Kim and Jenny tried dragging me to the shallow ocean waves,eventually-I gave in (I fear being pulled in by the waves).
  After going to the beach,we went out to eat at a pizza place.
I didn't eat any pizza,because I lost my appetite.After that,I went off with Kim and Jenny in town.We passed a homeless guy that was holding up a sign :
" Need BEER food please"
  We passed by the man again,but this time- I approached him,
" I don't have any food,but how about a hug?"
  His face lit up,"Sure,okay."
We hugged,I felt a fragment of his memory slip into me-my body ached a little bit from the memory that was absorbed.It was one of his painful memories.
  Kim,Jenny,and I walked around some more.
We ate some cheesecake ice cream,then I hugged the same homeless guy again.

..I think he wasn't homeless at all,he was probably just a man going through hardships that needed food and love.

  I,not satisfied with just two hugs-approached the same man again.Before we hugged,I said,
" I have the ability to absorb memories with the people I come into contact with.You've been going through a lot. "
 He smiled back and we hugged.Compared to the last two hugs,this hug was much warmer. 'Had my kindness touched his heart?' Like how the hell should I know.
But even so,he has a good heart.
  Before we parted,I gave him my light green lucky bracelet,
"This is my lucky green bracelet,I used this on my exams."
 He replied," Thank you,I will wear this,thank you."
"Take care,have a nice day"
"You too",he smiled back.

  Today was a great day,minus the beginning.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Dream of Zombies

I awoke at 10:50am from an epic dream : 
  I was hanging out at Han's house in his bedroom,it must've been Friday,June 3rd,2011.There was suddenly a horrific sound of groans and screams from outside.We looked outside of the window and discovered zombies.Han started to freak out for the fact that zombies had entered his home,and soon-they'd be upstairs.
He started to climb out of the room through his window--unarmed.I tried to get him to bring a weapon along,but he was so into escaping that my words were blocked.
I somehow obtained a lightsaber.
  Even though zombies were about,we still had to attend school--so the dream must've fast forwarded to August.The students were totally paranoid,and were clinging onto their weapons.
  Fast forward.I was on top of one of the gym buildings,back-to-back with Israel-senpai,fighting zombies with several other people.When the area of the gym building was cleared,I said to Israel,
  "If I'm bitten,kill me as myself,I don't want to die as those ugly things."
He,understanding the circumstances,replied,"Okay."Then recharged his shotgun.
  We were then notified that an army of zombies were heading towards the school from the hills.
  We fought,I woke up before the end.
I did not get bitten.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Attending Ranyka-chan's B-day at the Mall

  Colleen picked me up from my place at about 1:15pm,we arrived at the mall at about 1:25pm,and met up with Israel-senpai in the food court.This tall dude that goes by the name of Dominic later came,then Kevin-kun,Roosevelt,and Jennica-chan.Ranyka finally arrived at 2:30pm.As I waited,I folded cranes and took a nap.Colleen had to leave the moment Ranyka arrived D:
  First,Jennica lead us to a Christian-store.Jennica got the store clerk to explain to the group what the store was about.The moment I heard the words "Christian" and "religion"--I tiptoed outta there with the theme of "The Pink Panther" playing in my head.
I plopped down on a nearby bench.I folded my legs,placed my folded hands on my lap and meditated.Ranyka and Kevin later met up with me a few minutes later at the bench.Then everyone else later came out of the store.
  Afterwords,we went to the food court.The woman at the pretzel stand was constantly grinning at my childish features. o__o"
  Ranyka decided to go get movie tickets.I told that I already purchased a ticket for "Water for the Elephants".A few other people wanted to go see another type of movie.Dilemma.
I told Ranyka that it was okay and I could get another ticket.Aimless confusion,dilemma.I sat down up against a nearby pillar and folded a heart.I went outside to get some fresh air.I went back inside and sat up against the same pillar.
Ranyka later came up to me saying that she bought movie tickets for "Water for the Elephants".
I asked if it was okay-she replied that she wanted to see the movie,but some of the others didn't.
  The movie was alright,a slow paced opening,but the middle was pretty darn interesting.Minus Robert Pattison,I found the movie fairly enjoyable. 

[The day in a summary]
  Today was a good day.