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Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Dream of Zombies

I awoke at 10:50am from an epic dream : 
  I was hanging out at Han's house in his bedroom,it must've been Friday,June 3rd,2011.There was suddenly a horrific sound of groans and screams from outside.We looked outside of the window and discovered zombies.Han started to freak out for the fact that zombies had entered his home,and soon-they'd be upstairs.
He started to climb out of the room through his window--unarmed.I tried to get him to bring a weapon along,but he was so into escaping that my words were blocked.
I somehow obtained a lightsaber.
  Even though zombies were about,we still had to attend school--so the dream must've fast forwarded to August.The students were totally paranoid,and were clinging onto their weapons.
  Fast forward.I was on top of one of the gym buildings,back-to-back with Israel-senpai,fighting zombies with several other people.When the area of the gym building was cleared,I said to Israel,
  "If I'm bitten,kill me as myself,I don't want to die as those ugly things."
He,understanding the circumstances,replied,"Okay."Then recharged his shotgun.
  We were then notified that an army of zombies were heading towards the school from the hills.
  We fought,I woke up before the end.
I did not get bitten.

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