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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dream - Falling Prop and Herbs

  My school was putting on a play of Romeo and Juliette, I didn't exactly participate in it. There was a scene where I stood on an unstable prop,which elevated me higher and higher. Eventually the prop collapsed on me, I survived by stopping a support pillar from crushing me.
    I believe this represents how I was nearly crushed by Kathy's words, I let it happen, by unstably pushing more and more into her resentment or annoyance (one of the two) of me. I was able to save myself.

  Another scene on campus, after the accident, I walked with someone to the area where the 100th-building would be. Instead of the building, a slope of bright green herbs, bustling in pure,healing magic.

  Herbs - to dream of herbs indicate your need to take a new approach toward some situation or relationship. You need to think of things from a different perspective and live with some zest. Alternatively, it is symbolic of healing and magic.
  Source : dreammoods.com.

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