About Me

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Yesterday 2/20/2012

  I awoke at 9am, lying there until about 10:10am, I got up and stretched.
Next, after brushing my teeth and washing up I took out everything Kathy, who is no longer my " best friend ", and placed it in a box labeled,
" Perishable " .
  Kathy and I are no longer friends, it's over. Kathy Nguyen no longer exists. Who is she anyways?

  Downstairs, I told my mom what I did before coming downstairs.  She asked me why we were no longer friends, because Kathy was a 'good girl' and we appeared to be 'good friends'.
 " She has emotional problems ", I began, " It all started with me asking her what's wrong and she didn't want to tell me, so I kept pestering her, then she's like, ' I think we shouldn't be friends anymore ' . "
I tried to summarize it all, which made it sound like a weak argument.
  I took out the trash bag I was holding, full of peanuts I emptied out of the "Perishable"-box.

  Breakfast : my mother fried noodles with vegetables, it was delicious. I liked the crunchiness of the friend cabbage.
  " Thank you for the food. "
  I watched episode 8 of "Natsume Yuujinchou Shi".
  Mother left at about 1pm for work.
  I brought the 'babies' (growing vegetables and herbs), Hiei, Koenma, and Kurama outside, feeding them water and giving them the sunlight they needed.
  After doing some stretches, I sat in the warm sunlight, killing the remaining negative impacts of Kathy.
I went back inside to fetch a bit of bread for the hungry sparrows outside, before going upstairs to clean the bedroom my sister and I shared.
  I spent about three hours cleaning : organizing the bookshelf, rolling out the blankets that carpeted the floor, and rearranging things. There is now a second cardboard bookshelf. I also vacuumed the room and picked up dead cells in light corners, using duct tape.
  It was quite a lot of work,but enjoyable, refreshing, purifying the area.
  At about 5:10pm, I brought the plants back inside before it began to get cold, then went upstairs to take a shower.
  Dinner : fried noodles and boiled eggs my mother cooked earlier today.
' Thank you for the food. '

  Later that night, my friend, Jennica sent me a link to a 33-minute video on our generation's knowledge of the holocaust and opinions about abortion. :

  I'm amazed that I actually sat through it and it improved my narrow perspective.

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