About Me

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I need to get to class dammit.

  Prologue here.
So these past couple of days, I've been told by a schoolmate that has friend likes me. A few other schoolmates join in, telling me to wait for him at passing bell, he really wants to see me. 
  Look here though, we've never met before, nor spoken to one another. We've never even had classes together either. He just sees me around campus.
  " Secret admirer ", my art teacher labeled him for me. 
  " Yup, secret admirer. ", I sighed, thinking how ridiculous this is. 
  [ Today ]
 I'll wait for him for one minute, only one minute, for sure,for sure, if he doesn't come, I'm leaving. 

  The bell in 5th period rang for passing bell, six minutes on the dot has now begun. 
" 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..", I crossed my arms.
Seconds later, " 60. "
  I swung my bag over my shoulder, stepping towards the door. 
" Its been a minute, now I'm leaving! " 
" -? What is it (why were you counting)? ", my friend looked at me. 
" Oh, some douche bag, named Steve, likes me and I've never met 'em before! So, here I am waiting a minute for him, because some schoolmates told me to wait. This is so stupid. " , I pouted as some boy walked into the room. 
" This Steve? ", Christine pressed her hand against him, pushing him out of the way. 
" I think so", I turned to look at him.
" Hi Steve!", Christine said. 
I looked at him, with a " :I " -expression, then left the room. 
" Tammy! ", a schoolmate shouted, dragging me back into the room, "Steve walked in there! Didn't you see him?!"
  " Yea--", I wasn't able to finish. 
  "Steve! This is Tammy, the girl I was talking to you about!", her arm was hooked around mine, I struggled to pull away.
  " I need to get to class! I have PE next! "
  He gave me an awkward look, not even a greeting, but there was no time for a ' Hello ' anyways. 
I pulled away and sped out of the room. 
 ' Looks like one of those average Asian guys to me. Reminds me of Frankie, because of his height, 
but Frankie-kun is better. '
I sped off to class with 4 minutes left. 
  After school, I told my art teacher what happened. 
He hypothesized, based on how this-so-called 'Steve' acted, gave the impression that he was shy. 
" To shy to take action, what a wimp ", I huffed.

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