About Me

Saturday, December 17, 2011

12/17/2011 - My Yesterday After School

  I didn't have the time to type this up yesterday, so I'll do it right now.

 [ After School ]
  12:34pm - I organized the desks in Ms.Sabado's classroom.
I received a Christmas present from Ms.Sabado! > u <
 On the present, it read,
  " Dear Tammy,
  Merry Christmas!!!
Thanks for helping every afternoon! You are a great help and an angel too!

Ms.Sabado  " 

  Hah..I'm not an angel, only a mere human . 
But, I'm happy. It was really thoughtful of her to give me a present. 

  After that, I bade her farewell 'til January 3rd, and Happy Holidays. I went to visit Mister Seeberger in the Draw/Paint room. 
 Good news! He finally got to chat with his lady-friend, who wants to speak with him today, at 9pm. 
I wish him good luck! 
  We later went downstairs to his animation room, since students wanting to get work in (at the very last minute) were waiting. 
Outside the Draw/Paint class, I encountered Israel-senpai. 
We made one-second eye-contact, I turned away and carried a large bag of bread downstairs. 
  I greeted Jasmine-chan at the door, who was waiting for Mister Seeberger to find her assignments. We talked a little bit, until Mister Seeberger was ready to go upstairs for the last time, searching for her assignments. 
  Downstairs again, I got to look at his animation classes' work. It was very amusing! 
Lastly, he showed me some strategic games (mainly board games, but not the kind that you buy in the toy-isle in stores). I found this interesting, especially the survival game-themed ones. 
  I bade him farewell at 2:40pm and wished him good luck with his relationship with Laureen. 

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