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Saturday, December 3, 2011

12/3/2011 - Dreaming about a Scramble of Things.

I'm going to list the things I remember from today's early-morning dreams (I did not go to bed at night, but today at 1AM).
-- The Scrambles of Dream Fragments --
1.)  I was at school, the sky was like morning light, the bell had rung and students were beginning to walk to class.
I stood in the hall that leads one way to the ROTC, Gym, and C-portables, the other way leads to the 400,300,200 and so-on buildings.
Diagram :

  I spotted Israel heading to the direction of the ROTC building of the hall. He must be heading for third period, therefor brunch must've ended. I pulled a cloak over myself (which made me either feel invisible or I was invisible, like the invisible cloak from Harry Potter). There was a snapshot of my legs, random--but there's a meaning to it.
I padded over to Israel from behind.
He turned around, smiling at my presence.
  The dream ended.

  [ Interpretations ]
 Cloak : To dream that you're wearing a cloak represents the need for security and warmth, you want to be protected. It may also mean that you're trying to cover-up or hide something.
 Legs : Indicates that you've regained confidence to stand up and take control again. Also implies progress and your ability to navigate through life.
 Invisible : feelings of not being noticed or recognized for what is important of you. You feel that you're being overlooked.
(Alternatively : you are trying to withdraw from the realities of life)

 [ Personal thoughts ]
  I always thought that I'd be forgotten, like I really was invisible.
But this dream, it was like it pointed out that I was not always forgotten.
Even though in freshmen year, I sometimes was. Like that time when I made lunch for Senpai and he forgot three times and I waited for him after school 'til 4pm. Its all good now though.
  I don't feel forgotten now, not even the tiniest bit. I'm happy, I really am. 
Maybe just sometimes though, I'd feel forgotten again. 0.5% chance of the time I will. 

2.) I had a dream that I was sliding on my side, down a wooden platform that was tilting.
I saw a random bit of blood splatter a little distance away,diagonal from me as I slid.
I jumped into a bright white light below, the dream ended, but I felt that after the jump, I landed in a safe place.

  [ Interpretation ]
  Parkour : To dream of performing a parkour indicates that you are not letting any obstacles stand in your way to completing your goals. ( Alternatively means that you're in tune with your surroundings and environment. You are able to adapt to any situation. )
  Blood : life,love,passion and as well as disappointments.
  Wood : suggests that you're feeling dead and emotionless inside. Behavior is automated. You are not fully thinking things through.

 [ Personal thoughts ]
  I'm feeling emotionless inside, because I don't know how I should feel. I may be happy, but because everything is so clear, its like blankness.
My love burns strong, like white fire in my life right now, I feel great.
  Its blazing so gaily, that I feel nothing.
Its so strange, so very strange!

3.) I saw a blue bench in my dream.
  Bench : Suggests that I normally take on a passive role instead of taking an initiative.
  Blue : Truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness.
Perhaps you are expressing a desire to get away.
 May symbolize your spiritual guide and optimism of the future. You have clarity at mind.

[ Personal Thoughts ]
  Time to get things done, I want to devote myself to work on my strength and bonds (relationships).
I'm determined and happy.

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