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Monday, December 5, 2011

12/5/2011 - My Day - Meiosis vs Mitosis

  Today is the day where I deliver early Christmas gifts (i.e. decorative origami cubes) to my teachers!
Alright! I'm going to do my best!

[ Morning ]
  I tied my hair up in twin tails at the back of my head.

[ At school ]
  I greeted Crystal-chan and Janus-chan. Janus-chan showed me pictures of her father's drawings on her phone. They mostly revolved around Disney characters like the lions from " The Liod King " , Mickey&Minnie Mouse, and ect. It was awesome! :D
 I later greeted Colleen-chan and Han-kun. Han-kun and I later walked to class, talking about my well-being revolving around my abdominal pain.

[ 1rst pd ] There was a substitute.
  Essay (test) . The prompt was to provide information on why / how moments in history influence today's world (giving examples).
  After class, I had the substitute pick out three cubes for Mister Guven, leaving a note stating that I gave him the cubes as presents.

[ 2nd pd ]
  At the doorway (before walking into class), I had Mister Castanos pick out three origami cubes. He commented that they were beautiful :D
  We went over the ' Do Now ' / Warm Up, Mister Castanos talked about his weekend and how he celebrates Christmas. At Costco, Mister Castanos and his grandmother in a wheelchair , he rams his grandmother in line at the checkout counter (lol wut). He celebrates Christmas with used socks as Christmas stockings and he describes people who don't wait 'til Christmas day to open their presents, as crazy disrespectful children LOL.
  We watched a section of a biology film on meiosis (the division of sex cells). There was this one scene where they were showing the difference between meiosis and mitosis.
It looked like this :

To the side of  ' Meiosis ', there was an image of turtles having intercourse. 

 Lastly, we took notes on meiosis and read from the textbook. Mister Castanos criticized the way the couple looked in the book. " They don't know us, so its okay ", he said. 

[ Brunch ] 
  Chatted with Judy-chan about how the essay went and about geometry. 

[ 3rd pd ] 
  Worksheet on careers. 
At the end of class, I had Mrs.Haertling pick three origami cubes according to her liking. 

[ 4th pd ] Before class started, I had Mister Herning chose three origami cubes to his liking. 
   Studied flash cards. 

[ Lunch ] 
  Because the students had wasted about 5 minutes of Mister Herning's time, we stayed in during lunch for about three minute ( he was going easy on us ). 
  I later had Judy-chan read through my journal as I sat and thought about things. When she had finished reading, we discussed her holiday plans. 

[ 5th pd ] 
  I had Mrs.Shika and Ms.Sabado choose three origami cubes to their liking. Mrs.Shika told me how my origami had inspired her children to paper-fold too. She told me that they fold paper in all sorts of directions and call it " their origami " (haha! > u <) 
They both found the origami cubes to be beautiful, I'm glad. 

[ 6th pd ] I greeted Crystal-chan on my way to class, I'm glad her day is going well :)
  I gave Mrs.Miramontes the last three origami cubes. She complimented that the cubes were very nice. 

  YOSH! All of the cubes have now been delivered!  
( in total, there were 21 of them ) 

  In the gym, I wrote a little bit into my journal before handing it over to Carolina-chan to read. 

[ After School ] 
  " Time to have a nice afternoon! I got Christmas presents to work on and the comic!
I finally get to work on the comic! " 
  Note : the comic that I've been working on has been constantly postponed due to stuff. 
 " I can tell that you're very eager ", Carolina-chan replied. 
 " Yup! " 

  After I bade farewell 'til tomorrow to Carolina-chan and Crystal-chan, I later encountered Israel-senpai in the hall. He had a slight concerned expression scribbled in his eyes, 
  " Tammy, I can't meet up with you after school since I have -- " 
  " Its okay! ", I grinned back gesticulating him to be off on his way (i.e. I made a fluttering wave with my hand).
  " I'm (really) sorry-- bye. "  
 By then, my back was turned away from him and I was walking away, grinning like a dithering idiot, 
taking no heed to his expression--
until later as I was cleaning Ms.Sabado's classroom. 
I kept pausing and thinking as I stacked the textbooks and workbooks.   
  Why-? How could I smile like its nothing, when I did feel something. 
That is because I was happy, but disappointed that we couldn't meet up.
Prologue note :  Last night, I felt the numbness of static rupture within myself. I tried to think of all of the positive, bright things, memories, but I couldn't feel anything. 
I laid in bed (on my lack), meditating three deep hymns and thought deeply to myself about my cherishes. 
 The majority of the numbness was eliminated. 
  I was just happy to hear his voice. 
Negative news, but the numbness I felt somewhere inside melted away. 

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