About Me

Friday, December 2, 2011

12/2/2011 - How my After School at School was Spent

  In the gym, after I bade farewell to Diane-senpai, I padded over to Crystal-chan and Carolina-chan.
I wanted to see them off before I went to enjoy the rest of my day & weekend, because they're my dear friends. Their main plans for the weekend is homework, but even so, I hope they have a wonderful weekend.

  On my way over to Ms.Sabado's, Israel-senpai informed me that he was unable to meet up with me after school due to some circumstances. I smiled back and said that it was okay.
He advised me not to go home so late. Hmph. ಠ_ಠ

  I cleaned Ms.Sabado's classroom for about 6 minutes,  she said that it was Friday and that I should go enjoy my weekend. I went outside, looking at the deciduous tree, it had now lost 89% of its leaves, leaving a majority of red berries clinging to its branches. I checked my watch, then decided to go visit Mister Seeberger. 
  Mister Seegberger greeted me with a slightly surprised expression, " Oh--Hi! I was just thinking about if you were going to stop by today!" 
 " What a coincidence! ", I replied. 

  That feeling when you think of someone and they magically appear, its almost like they heard your thoughts and came over to you. 
I honestly sometimes do that to call out / contact someone.
I wonder if they can really hear me or if my voice is drowned out by their world, because I'm not a person worth their love. 
  This made me think of the time when I was sitting on that bench after school, during a chilly afternoon, calling out with a voice in my chest to that guy that I'm constantly waiting for. 
When I was on my way to head for home, feeling down that he did not come---
we crossed paths. 
He described it as, " instinct", that lead him to me. 

  Anyways, Mister Seeberger and I shared our experiences from the 5-day weekend (i.e. Thanksgiving Break) . Haha-- he told me a joke he made up contributing to Black Friday. 
  It starts out with Black Friday, then Grey Saturday, lastly White Sunday. 
" Then, Golden Monday! ", I added. :D

  We talked of other things, like plans over Christmas vacation, Star Wars, how very identical his eight-year old son is to him (its in the DNA after all), his two  pet dogs that costed $800 (were bred and were trained for dog shows) that will be given to his ex (sadly), and how his low income has effected the amount of money per month to buy food. 
  I hope all goes well for him in the near future. 

[Home at Last]
  I made it home at 4:20pm.   

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