About Me

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12/6/2011 - Brunch, Lunch, and After School

[ Brunch ]
  I met up with Israel-senpai. We greeted one another and I shared my Facebook comments from the chat between him and my sister (who hijacked my seat) on 11/30/2011. 
 He then informed me that he might or might not come after school. 
  " Don't make such a concerned face! Its okay! " 

" I just don't want this (referring to the FB chat) to happen again! " , he exclaimed. 
  After that, I read him my thoughts and dreams . Every once in a while, I leaned over to the side to check his energy field. It was very strong, I'd say that its positive energy radiating off of him, but he still felt concerned. 
I think I overdid my reading..NAH. 
But, overall--things are going well for him and I'm happy. 
  At 10:10am, he left to go to the quad.
  " See you later Tammy, take care-- I might come after school! " 
  " You don't have to! " 
I said this, even though I really wanted to see him. 
  He looked back at me, the expression on his face read, ' I want to see you. ' 
 Probably because he felt bad, I guess he pities me ಠ_ಠ 
 " See you later, take care! " , I called back. 
 But, I'm happy to see that he came by.

  On my way to class, I thought about my daily horoscope (click for full view) : 

 " I may be feeling lonely today..but its okay, because I'm going to do my best. ", I thought to myself and smiled. 

[ Lunch ]
  I greeted Colleen-chan, Judy-chan, and Crystal-chan. 
Judy-chan is off of her crutch now, I congratulated her on her recovery. 
 I'm happy.

[ After school ]
   Because of the code red drill earlier today, all of the books where piled in the back far-left corner bookshelf. It took a total of 20 minutes to organized the textbooks and workbooks.
 " Thank you Tammy, you're such an angel ", Ms.Sabado commented. 
 " I'm not an angel, I'm only human after all " , I smiled , " -And your welcome. " 

 [3 : 25pm ] 
  I sat outside, on the usual bench, the deciduous tree to my left. 99.3% of its leaves have now fallen, leaving a majority of its red berries. A few minutes later, Mister Seeberger came by. 
 We talked about how our days were going, then he bade farewell at a little past 4pm. 

  I sat there 'til 5pm. 
The setting sky was wondrous with pink clouds, a dim light blue sky and a nearly-full moon up above in the East. The setting sun was towards the west, glowing 'til it sleeps, casting silhouettes before my eyes. 
  My walking came to a small trot home. My toes were numbed, my wings throbbed. 
I'm not sad, angry, or upset. Just disappointed, but happy. 
 I smiled. 

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