About Me

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11/10/2011 - My Day

[ Morning ] 
   I spent the majority of the time recording yesterday's journal entry. At about 6:50AM, Israel-senpai messaged me just to say, " good morning ". We chatted a little bit, before I logged off I said,
  " Israel-senpai, daisuki! "
Then translated it, " Daisuki - I like you "
He replied with a "".

[ At School ] 
  I greeted my friends, chatted before heading off to class.
[ 1rst pd ]
  Read a bit into chapter 12, i.e. the last chapter of the book, Lord of the Flies. After that, the class played a bit of Scattegories, where as I continued to read.

[2nd pd]
  Quiz on DNA replication. At the last 10 minutes of class, when every one had turned in their quiz, my teacher decided that it was story time. He had a student turn of one set of lights.
He told the story of a 100% non-violent man who suddenly one day goes up on top of a clock tower and shoots down 16 random people.  Reason was that the cause of his madness was because of a tumor, resulted from cancer, that was caused by DNA replication gone wrong.

  Jenny came by. We talked a little bit.
" How's you and that guy you like? ", she asked.
I spotted Israel-senpai and replied back to Jenny,
  "Its okay, just..-eh! "

Israel came over and Jenny left.
  He came to tell me that he couldn't meet up with me after school due to practice and a check-in to the hospital. " I knew it! " , I fake-grinned and he frowned. But, it was okay since I was seeing him at the moment, knowing that I'd be missing him for the rest of the day.
We discussed about his dream, mainly revolving around mecha, technology, and Hatsune Miku.
  Then we dropped to the main issue.
  " I want you to do me a favor...I want you to stop putting yourself down."
I lamely argued back (which irritated him), but agreed (solution).

[passing bell to 3rd]
  We hugged.
" I really..missed you."
" I missed you too."
  Details : I pressed my body up against his, my chin rested against his shoulder.
   We pulled away, bade farewell.
In the hallway, I turned around...
...called his name,
" Israel-senpai!",and said,  " I love you. "
" I know you do", he replied, " I love you too "
I know you know
"  'I know you do' --- you said that last year! So rude! "
(referring to the time when I said, "I love you"  and he simply responded with, " I know you do. ")
"Wha-- so, it just means that I know that you love me too."
"Whatever!Hmph!", I jokingly grinned back and walked to class.

[3rd pd]
Spent the time writing in my journal.

[4th pd]
Spent the time doing textbook work.

Spent the time chatting with Han and Judy about the art of gymnastics, ballet, and ect. We also talked about dietary things-- like becoming a vegetarian.
Speaking of which, I received a few cookies from Judy, yay ^ u ^.

[Passing bell to 5th]
I walked too fast while kinda zoning out, which resulted in me tripping on a crack and scarping my knees. I immediately got up, " I gotta get to class", I got up, collected myself and dashed to class.
  There wasn't a band aid suited for my left bleeding knee (the other was just scratched), so I pulled out a napkin from my bag and pressed it against my somewhat bloody knee.

[5th pd]
  I worked with the napkin pressed down upon my left knee. Awesomely, I got my work done; plus, the bleeding stopped about 7 minutes into class. I was ready, with my stinging knees to walk in PE later.
Christine told me to get well soon :3

[6th pd]
Cross-country walk lap : first we walked behind the tennis court, around half of a field outside the track, around a fifth of the perimeter of the baseball field,and 2 laps on the track.  I met up with Crystal-chan and Carolina-chan at the 2nd role call after our lap was done.
On our way back to the gym, I told Carolina about my habit of putting myself down, thinking from a narrow point of view, so narrow that I can't even see the good qualities of myself.
She told me, " Don't think like that, you're a very kind and caring person. OK, look-- you give stuff-gifts, origami to teachers, you say 'hello' to nearly everyone. You're a very special person."
I bobbed my head to her words. " Exactly the same things, Israel-senpai said."
  I thanked her for the advice, glad to have her by my side.
In the gym, she read my journal (volume 12) as I wrote in volume 13.

[After school]
Cleaned up Ms.Sabado's classroom, she asked me if I had seen Israel yet and talked to him about the tutoring. I replied,
"Yep, he told me that he did the warm up and JUST the warm up today.
Well, that's a head start. I can do all of the work..and all he does is the warm up! Haha!"
  She also told me that he had an 'F' in her class, and wishes him to get some help of some sort to raise his grade, ohh--she worries and I thought he had a 'C' or 'C-' of some sort.

  After cleaning, I sat outside on a different bench,since there was a couple on the bench I normally sat on.
The air was calm, the sunlight glimmered through the leaves of the tree to my right. It was warm, I smiled at the sound of the chirping sparrows fluttering about. The wind shook hands with my side-bangs.
  I left early at 4PM, my scraped knees were stinging with possible infection. Other than going the short way through a building, I went the slight-long way by walking from out of the parking lot to my left. It was only about 65 steps more than the short way. The sun shone brightly up ahead, the sky was utterly clear as evening was approaching.

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