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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9/2011 - My Dream

Italic words are the definitions that I got off from here : http://www.dreammoods.com/
The Dream :
 It was Saturday, I had invited my friends over to hang out. My best friend would be arriving in the evening, another friend, Amy at noon (remembering that I gave her an invitation back in her birthday letter on Monday), and Israel-senpai was already here--sitting in the bedroom.
"12:19PM", I outside to get Amy. She called my name and told me that I was late. I sheepishly grinned and invited her inside, " Israel is also here, upstairs-", I began. She frowned. I somehow reassured her.
  The dream fast forwarded.
I was in a crowded hallway, Israel-senpai was walking ahead. His back was turned away from me. I called out to him, he kept walking. Either I was being ignored or my voice couldn't reach him.

Ignored - represents that you are not paying enough attention to some aspect of yourself.Perhaps you are overlooking something. Alternatively, it may represent your waking experiences of being ignored by that person. 

" Israel-senpai! Israel-senpai! "
  The hallway faded in a dim orange color.
I was transported to the quad at school, where I was moving on wards to my next class. I had a strange feeling that Israel-senpai was looking for me, but I ignored it and dashed by when his back was turned.
" Why..did I do that.." I regretted it.

  I awoke. I curled myself under the green fuzz of blankets. The hand of which holds the strong connecting bond between Israel-senpai and I trembled, I clenched it into a fist, clasped it with my left hand and held it close to my chest. I coiled my body even tighter.
  I am in need of comfort. I feel weak. I am a weakling. I feel weak, because I am weak.
It was still pretty early, I closed my eyes and saw the pitch darkness where golden orange butterflies fluttered.
"I must be dreaming", I was and I awoke once more to the dim blueness.

Butterfly - symbolizes need to settle down; signifies creativity,joy, romance, spirituality. Experiencing a new way of thinking, or undergoing a transitional phase.

Orange - hope,friendliness, courtesy, generosity,  liveliness, sociability, and an out-going nature. May want to expand your horizons and look into new interests. 

  I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop overlooking a certain thorn that I have and turn things around to get things back into 100% homeostasis. I feel poetic, here is a crappy poem I came up with in 5 minutes.

 My strength is my sword in battle,
when I feel weak and meek
my sword degraded,
I allow myself to be stabbed and suffocated,
as many times as there is hope to protect you

For though my corpse may be forgotten,
I sit and wait for you

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