About Me

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Delirious Chamber

  There are three parts of myself that I would like to clarify : 
Takusu : * I refer to myself as this *
                This is the part of me that I mainly use in reality.
                The one who gets hurt, been hurt, and such.
                I am the one who writes in the journals.
               If I am destroyed, then the next 'me' will be next in charge, but nothing will be the same.
Takumi : (alter-ego, split-self, the other side of the coin)
             Together with I (Takusu) and Takumi are one. Takumi serves as a back-up for me (Takusu).
Darkness (yandere type) :
[Definition of yandere here :   http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Yandere ]
              I've just recently met her. She in which is known to me as the darkness within my heart. Described as psychotic and murderous, she is what my negativity has become.

[ Here's the main thing that happened ]
  Somewhere within my mental world, I was dragged down to a dark corridor with very dim lighting.
The walls were smeared with black and a deep blood red. This is the place where I killed myself over and over.
It looked like this (bad photoshop art, but I tried my best) :

Why am I here?
No. It can't be.
  I was thrown into one of the chambers. In the back corner was my freshmen year self, wrists chained to the wall. She was beaten up, her life receding. I took no mind in her.
  I peered through the small window on the door, only to see my psychotic (yandere) self, wielding a knife.
" Get me out of here. "
" I'll kill you later, right know I have business to take care of "
  " Business? ", I said under my breath. I got a vision of her grinning in the darkness as bodies of corpses are piled up. I recognized those corpses, even though they were face-smashed, decapitated or covered in blood.
They were my loved ones.

She let out a wicked laugh, " That's right--that inevitable future where everyone is killed. I will kill everyone, then I'll kill you. "
She started walking away from the door.
 " Wait-! ", I clenched the iron bars of the window.
Takumi stopped her, jumping out from the shadows and forcing her back in front of my door.
Their weapons clinked together, gritting their teeth.
  " Takumi... "
  " Takusu, what do you want to do? What is your wish? Will you allow her to kill everyone off? "
  " I-- "
The yandere me made eye contact, " I am the darkness within you, envy, jealousy, hatred, pain. I am you. You cannot escape. "
  Stop it. This isn't what I want. I've killed myself too many times already.

   " I want to become stronger, in order to protect the ones I love. In order to protect everyone! "

  Takumi and Darkness sprang aback. The door to my chamber collapsed and I fell on my knees.
  I got up,
" That's right, I want to protect everyone!
Kathy-chan, Julie-san, Israel-senpai, Colleen-chan, Judy-chan (too many to list)--
EVERYONE! I will not kill. I will stand up no matter what to protect everyone.
I will stay strong no matter what! "
 " What about ******? "
" I will not kill anyone, I will befriend them. I will protect them. "

 The corridor rumbled. I fell back, Takumi caught me, " Takusu... "
The corridor was dispersing into a blank plane. Darkness took both of her hands over mine and smiled,
" I guess this is goodbye ", she was dispersing with the corridor, " You know, you'll die in the end, right? "
" I know. "
It'll be my ' Happy End ' .
  Her hands disappeared from mine, the last thing I saw was her smile. A weight had been lifted from my chest.
  I joined hands with Takumi. Together, we are one.
This is how it'll be from now on, I'll try to change the inevitable future that is to come.

[ Back in reality / the present world ]
  This great flame of energy singed in my right hand, then throughout my entire body. It was positive energy.

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