About Me

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9/2011 - Afternoon

  I went to clean&organize Ms.Sabado's classroom as usual. As I was organizing the desks, she said,
" Tammy, I talked to your friend, Israel today. I said to him--that he was a smart kid, but he was failing my class.
So I told him,
' You know what?Talk to your friend Tammy. She's in my class and she's a good kid and she's passing my class. You can go talk to her and ask her to help tutor you' "
  I stood there and chuckled at the idea.
"He's a smart kid, but he just doesn't focus.", she commented.
     After cleaning, I went outside and sat on the bench (same one from yesterday). I felt the wind lightly swirled about as I wrote in my journal. There were more sparrows chirping in delight today. It was..peaceful.
The clouds in the sky glided like whispers of spirits.
At 3:30PM, Mister Seeberger came out of the nearby building, he greeted me and we started talking about his acting course, literature, his holidays and ect. It was interesting :D
At 4:30PM, Kim-senpai and I chatted, then left campus with her at 4:43PM.
  The sunset was glimmering today, under the sprays of light, oceanic clouds.
Kim and I engulfed the beauty of the sky.

My apologies for the bad drawing, I tried my best.

It made me realize how badly I wanted to see Israel-senpai.
" Fuck..",I muttered in the depths of emotion.

  I came to see that Kim was repeatedly pressing the crosswalk button. She was raping the button with her index finger. lol :B

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