About Me

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11/22/2011 - My day

[Morning, at home]
  I encountered a spider, whom I tried to pick up, using a piece of paper,
but he scurried away under the refrigerator. ;__;

[Morning, at school]
  I greeted Janus-chan and we talked about our days. Israel-senpai later came by. I told him about my recent vision, including the meaning of it. He frowned at the words of my vision.

  " I've been having this vision recently..that you're strangling me. It represents that I'm denying a vital aspect of myself. "

  I accepted his apology ( for the fact that he didn't see me after school the other day ), but also mentioned
he shouldn't be sorry for having me wait all the time. I mean--waiting isn't all that bad. I get to enjoy the nature around me.
 I guess that left me still having the 'bullet wound' 
he probably isn't very convinced that I forgave him. 
 Note: about the 'bullet wound' - it isn't literally a bullet wound,
but when he apologized about not showing up yesterday,
I replied, " There's nothing to be sorry about! "
" You always say that.. "
What he said gave me a bullet wound. He probably thinks I'm lying--
about me not feeling hurt after things after things.  [End Note]

  I later greeted Han-kun and Colleen-chan. Han and I talked about what we were up to in our English classes and Jenny-senpai's concern of her health.

[1rst pd]
  I spent the majority of the time writing in my journal. The vision of Israel-senpai strangling me is gone, but I can still see myself with the mark of his hands on my neck. It'll go away sooner or later. 
  I gave Mister Guven an origami boat. He commented that he could use it to sail away somewhere. Haha xD

[2nd pd]
  Mister Castanos went around the room asking everyone's opinion on what the biggest problem in the world is. People had interesting responses : economy, war, taxes, inflation, global warming, ect.
  In the late beginning, a student was sent out to wait outside, because he didn't want to remove his hood. About 20 minutes later, someone reminds Mister Castanos that the student was still outside LOL.
He then tells the student that he could keep his hood on from now on. XD

  Talked with Micheal for a minute, ate my sandwich, then cleaned up Ms.Sabado's classroom.

[3rd pd]
  We wrote down what ticks us off, then disposed of the paper. I simply wrote down, " Rudeness. "
The purpose of the activity was to get it out of the system. Afterwords, the class made popcorn.
I just sat there and drew myself as a personified Taurus.

 Before heading off to 4th pd, I organized the chairs in the room.
Mrs.Haertling approached me, feeling that she barely got a chance to speak with me. She asked how things were going, I replied that everything was going alright. She assumed that me having a mellow day isn't so bad. I agreed and told her how yesterday went.
Her voice came to a concerned tone, but I assured her that things will go on alright.

On my way to class, I felt my guts being compressed from the side.
I don't want people feeling concerned about me, I don't like having people worry about me very much. 
Too see even my teachers worry, makes me feel kinda terrible. 
More like, I'm just not used to all of this. 
I feel sick, there really is something mentally wrong here, something I just gotta say to that guy.. 
but time just won't let me say it. Hah...I feel sick, but I mustn't think about it. 

[4th pd]
  I concentrated on studying my flash cards before we began the quiz.

  Hung out with Colleen-chan, Crystal-chan, and Judy-chan. I had Colleen skim/ read through my journal as Judy and I talked about our classes and plans for the holiday. Judy shared some M&M's chocolates with me, it was sweet of her. [:
  I taped the wrapper in my journal as a memory hehe! x]

[5th pd]
  We watched the film, " Air Force One ". It was semi-interesting.
  When Ms.Sabado turned off the lights and closed the door,
it was nearly pitch black in the classroom (which I found awesome).
She kept a little lamp on in the far left of the room, which provided such perfect lighting, that it made me feel relaxed (which I found even more awesome, since I like dim lighting).

[6th pd]
  We sat in the gym today, I spent the time analyzing my biology worksheets as Carolina read my journal.

[After school]
  Bade Carolina-chan and Crystal-chan a wonderful weekend/ holiday, then went over to Ms.Sabado's classroom. Ms.Sabado gave me some organic fruit punch (juice pouch)
and Mrs. Shika (pronounced 'Nike') offered me some chocolate European biscuit cookies (I took one and it was delicious).

  Sat on the bench, spending the majority of the time writing in my journal.
  There's been an increase of the scattering of leaves on the concrete. The deciduous tree to my left is beginning to turn from mostly green to mostly red and golden yellow, its wondrous, like the clouds streaked upon the clear sky.
  I looked up to the deciduous tree to see a little sparrow plucking and dropping some unwanted leaves from the tree.
'Little Miss Tidy Bird', I smiled at the title.
 The little sparrows started playing tag and singing joyous songs among the branches.

  It was then quiet, 'til 4:21pm, the sparrows began to sing again.
  The twinkling of setting sunlight began,then receded at 4:26pm.
  The twinkling of sunlight glowed once more, receding at 4:36pm.
Such distant sunlight, yet its warm..
  sounds like my friendship and love. Woe is me. 
Meditated before heading home at 4:45pm.
  On the way home, I thought to myself,
" Today wasn't such a bad day...I received juice from my teacher, so its all good!
Wait--WTF.  I'm such a little kid, getting excited over juice. Oh--I kid myself. "
   I giggled under the setting, scarlet blue&pink sky.
My body is numbed cold, yet I feel so warm and maddening.

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