About Me

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/21/2011 - After school

  I went to go get help from Mister Seeberger on my Protein Synthesis homework. We talked about picture books, his kids' artwork on the cork board, and a little bit about the old television set.

 I then went to Ms. Sabado's classroom at about 3:12pm. After cleaning, I sat outside at 3:22pm.
I met up with Mr. Seeberger, who was on his way out of the 100th building.
  He told me about the mistake in his acting course on Saturday.
 ' To get your eyes teary', his friend advised, ' Put a (cut) lemon to your eyes (not on it) '
The director got frustrated at this and lectured Mister Seeberger for taking this amateur advice.
  " Don't think, just do it ", was what the director told Mister Seeberger.
We agreed that what he said was Jedi-like thing. XD

Mister Seeberger left at about 3:30pm.
 Not long after he left, Ly and her boyfriend came by. We chatted a little bit, then they left to the school library.

  I spent the majority of the time writing in my journal, meditating in between.
At 4:23pm, the setting sun beamed and twinkled through the cracks between tree leaves and fence openings.
It was amazing.
  The sky was sponged by passing clouds, it made the dim reflection on the windows of the 2-story building in front of me appear mysteriously wondrous.

At 4:54pm, all nature stood still, as though time had stopped-- there was no wind nor breeze, just the chilled afternoon air. Not even the leaves on the trees bellowed. All felt the silence, but the roaring of industrious cars.

At 4:58pm, the clouds were puffy and grey, rising up and up.

At 5pm, the sky was getting dimmer, it was now the tone of an old photo.

At 5:02pm - met up with Trian-chan.
" What are you doing here so late? "
"Because of tennis practice--why are you here so late?"
" I'm waiting for someone ", that statement I made struck my tongue.
Trian went to go sit at the bench facing the parking lot.

  At 5:08pm - the deciduous tree to my left starts dropping its leaves.
" Even the tree seems to be telling me to go home. "
I closed my eyes and meditated, until I heard the voice of the tree.
" Go home! Go home, its dangerous here! "
It could be playing tricks on me, it could not, but I did as I was told and went home.

  Of campus, the grey clouds were fluffy and spread out enough for me to see a great setting sky. The light ahead cast shadows dark enough to make figures ahead look like silhouettes.
I smiled despite my hopes of seeing him today.

  Inside, I can hear myself cowering and screaming, " Usotsuki (Liar), Usotsuki..... "
I strangled myself to get things straight, my job is not to think such things, like I said before,
" I will do my best. "
Each and everyday, I told myself that and sometimes--the day would end like the end.
Sometimes, I wished it was the end, but not anymore.

Oh, he said, " See you tomorrow! "
  Do I still have the right to call him a " liar "?
No. Of course not, because I said the same thing back. That makes me the liar, the cursed one, the idiot.
Whatever, its all good now.

Outside, I looked ahead and smiled.

  Home at last, the first thing I hear from my mother in a disgruntled tone,
" You come home late all of the time. "
My eyes did the sighing for me.
" I'm sorry. I was waiting for someone who never came. "
I unlaced my ragged footwear and tore off my socks.
Cold feet, great.

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