About Me

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30/2011 - My Day - No anxiety attack today, I'm glad.

Today's the day when I first gave Israel-senpai a crocheted wristband.
I remember writing in my journal that we were, " Wristband Buddies ", which pretty much is elementary now that I think about it. Haha.
My goal today is to deliver this wristband to him, if we can see each other, that is.

[ Morning ]
  The toast my mother was toasting sprang up from the toaster and landed on the floor. It was as though the toast was trying to escape its destined fate.

[At school]
  Greeted Crystal-chan, Janus-chan, Christine-chan, and Han-kun.
Christine had poofy hair today and she tried to cover it by pulling her hood over her head.
I assured her that it'll go down eventually (no worries!) > u <
  I later met up with Han and walked to class. I told him that I got an anxiety attack again, probably due to the fact I had something to tell Israel-senpai after school yesterday,
but I couldn't really find the right time (so I told him on Facebook).
  I bade farewell to Han when I reached my classroom door, he went off to the classroom next door to mine.
Outside of the classroom, waiting for Mister Guven, Carlos-kun showed me a song called ," Rack City ".
Elijah-kun started nicknaming me, " Rack City ", and spreading a lie that I liked Rack City.
How very annoying, but I knew that he was only fooling around.

[1rst pd]
  We picked up a copy of The Joy Luck Club and did some SSR. I fetched a book for Carlos-kun, Johnathan-kun, and Octavio-kun. Elijah then asked me to get a book for him. I refused at first, because he called me, " Rack City ". When he offered to stop calling me that, I then got a book for him. :D

[2nd pd]
  We went over the warm up/ ' Do Now ', then read about chromosomes and mitosis.
While we were reading about the X and Y chromosomes, Mister Castanos said that boys have it more stressful than girls on their monthly periods, because males have to make sperm. Then he asks some of the male students in the class what they're doing. He pauses. Then answers for them,
" Making sperm. "
Then he asks some of the female students what they were doing. Again he answers for them,
" Dropping an egg. "
lol wut.

  Hung out with Micheal and Judy-chan. We discussed the code red drill that will occur on Tuesday next week.

[3rd pd]
  We had a speaker from the military talk to us about career pathways that can be opened up by joining the army and taking 3-year (the least) courses.
  When he left, the class came to its usual chatter at the last 20 minutes of class.

[4th pd]
  Copied down key terms, then copied down notes as Mister Herning read them aloud.

  Hung out with Han and Micheal, later greeted Crystal-chan, Colleen-chan,and Judy-chan.
Judy-chan and I talked about our days and such, it was fun.

[5th pd]
  Warm up, notes, workbook work---done.

[6th pd]
  Walked the track with Diane-senpai. I later met up with Crystal-chan and Carolina-chan after the 25 minutes of walking. I'm glad to hear that both of their days were okay.

[After school]
  On my way over to Ms.Sabado's class, I met up with Han. He asked me if I was going to wait for Israel. I said that I was. He told me not to wait for him, since I was unsure if he would or would  not come.
Though I felt certain that I was going to be forgotten by him.
" Its okay, since I'm used to waiting. Its almost like a.."
" A habit? "
" Not really, more like a hobby! I'm like adjusted to it or something! "
Han told me to take care, he could tell that my health has been degrading since I've had two anxiety attacks already and my body hasn't shown much of a recovery.

  I cleaned Ms.Sabado's classroom for about 14 minutes. At 3:15pm, I sat outside on the bench.
The wind roared like a thunderstorm on a clear day. Yet, it felt calm, it felt like jumping from the highest cloud in the sky and soaring through the atmosphere, with the air brushing your cheeks.
  The deciduous tree to my left has lost a majority of its leaves, leaving most of its unfaltering red berries, but they will too, fall like the leaves later on.
  As I sat, I grinned against the wind, thinking about Kathy's message this morning.
She told me not to ever call myself a fucktard again and to think about the brightness like my friends around me, rather slowly fall back into the darkness again. I smiled from ear to ear about the thought of her advice.
' That's right, I happy, to have such great friends. I'm really happy. It doesn't hurt any more . '
The wind caressed my body and kissed my hands.
  Past 4:30pm the wind starts to lash about. I sat and wrote in my journal, cowering whenever a big wave loomed against me. I could feel my health degrading. I waited.
  At 4:59pm, Trian came over to me and lightly poked my back. I greeted her with a smile.
We talked about our classes,our days, and the fussy wind. It was an enjoyable moment.
At 5:10pm, I left for home, the sky was getting dimmer.
The Chesire Cat's moon grinned at me.
The moon looked like it was going to laugh at me for waiting.
Waiting for a person who forgot about me.
It was like it wanted to pity me if it had a voice,
" Oh you silly little girl! You wasted two hours of your life to degrade your health, now look at you! You were forgotten, admit it! You were rejected, haha! HAHAHA! "
 I smiled, confused and happy. Confused about feeling sad, upset about my position.
I guess I deserved it, let's leave it at that? I deserved to be forgotten, then its not his fault. That thought saddened me.
  [ Home at last ]
  I came home and apologized to my worried mother, who scolded at me for a second or two.
" I waited for someone who never came. "
  I went upstairs and took a shower, the hot water relieving my frozen-stiff body. Ooh yes.
I turned to the cold water to close my pores, dried, got dressed and went downstairs to check my e-mail.
Only to see that my sister had posted something on my Facebook wall.

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