About Me

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/8/2011 -- After School in the Afternoon

I have a lot of free time.
  After 6th period, I moved on wards to clean up Ms.Sabado's classroom. Cleaning FTW. I finished cleaning in like 15 minutes,then I took my leave. I had a seat on the dark brown, metal bench in front of the oldest building on campus.
  I didn't really feel like going home and being cooped up in the house, so I sat and leaned against the fluttering afternoon breezes of wind brushing up against my bare legs. It ran its fingers through my hair and brushed up against my cheeks. I crossed my legs and wrote in my journal, listening to the chirping of sparrows and the bristling leaves of the bush before me.
  Far later, the rays of sunlight were settling, the sun was going down.
I checked my watch, it was 4:30pm, I checked the sky, the wind playfully tugged at my side-bangs. I uncrossed my legs, heaved a relaxed breath of air, " Ten more minutes.. ", I thought to myself.
   Ten minutes passed, I left campus. Without the surrounding buildings of school campus, I saw the majority of the setting sky with the sun being blocked out by townhouses. The seagulls soared above like butterfly silhouettes.
It looked like this :

Sadly, I do not have a camera, so I drew this on photoshop out of memory.

However, no matter how relaxed the moment was, the feeling I tried covering remains. Its no use until I deal with it. 

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